An American seeker: "If you follow any way, you will never get there; and if you do not follow any way, you will never get there. So one faces a dilemma."
Start with that sweet and soft S. Even the somewhat frightening hisssss of a serpent is slightly sensual. A short E like pen or hen or men. And the N which pushes your tongue up against the roof of your mouth for a moment before you transition to the T-uh!! of the T. Then the TIC sounds like the passage of another moment of your life as you draw nearer to the return from whence you came. The last syllable should be somewhere between the long U and the long O. Not US but not OOZE. As you finish, feel that final hiss. Oh, the symmetry of beginning and ending with that lovely essence of the S.
I'd like to tell you how much I really do care. I do. My cynicism is just my way of detaching emotionally from most of the shit that happens in the world that we can't really deal with. I use irony and sarcasm to weave my intellect through all of the injustice that is dumped(intentionally or not) on so many of my fellow animals with whom I share this thin pie crust of a planet that we call Home.