Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday's Sexy Word of the Week

Sleeping warm, lovelies? It's these cold days and seeming lack of sun that can sometimes make us feel funny. We can have a tendency to want to curl up and stew with our emotions and if someone angers or peeves us, we do not react well. That's when we may need to...


v. -- to make amends

Apologizing and making up can be very sexy, can't it? We all know what kind of chemistry can start bubbling up when affection is renewed.

We love R words. Even that slightest roll of the tongue to start things of means it's going to be a good day. We'll take the long E moving into the S. But move on to that AR that kind of feels like a growl. Not a mean growl, of course. Make it a seductive AAARRRRRGGGGHHH. The C is soft and leads us nicely into the diphthong that is IA. It's another long E and a long A. EEEEYAY. And that T wraps things up sweetly.

Darling, I'd like to resarciate because I know that I haven't been the best and you deserve the best. I'm trying to be with you. Please, work with me. Come here...

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